7100 Standard Airvent

A lowbuilt seat with pneumatic suspension, Airvent-function and front-edge extension. This seat is suitable for mounting in lorries, smaller trucks, industrial applications, the marine, cranes and overhead cranes.

7100 Standard Airvent är en lågbyggd, luftfjädrad förarstol utrustad med Airventfunktion & framkantsförlängning.  Fläktar finns monterade i både sits-& ryggdyna. Fläktarna suger den omgivande luften igenom dynorna & transporterar därmed bort fukten från kroppen, detta eliminerar problem som uppstår vid både fukt & värme.

Standard equipment includes a 640 mm back, a front-edge extension of the seat, mechanical lumbar support, electric heating 24V, Airvent with separate adjustment for the seat and the backrest, standard sliding track and black & gray trim

Addition: dump-function, a built-in compressor with constant pressure, low backrest, reinforced backrest, QR-backrest, electric heating 12V, XSS seat & backrest, pneumatically released sliding tracks, -reinforced sliding tracks, seatbelt, 2-, 3-, 4-point belt, alarm contact, headrest, Nightfall trim, leather trim, Vogue trim, leather reinforced trim, comfort line, armrest, side support, Seatpost, Planedamper and Turntable.


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